Hello There…

Born in the late 1900’s to a family of six, my siblings and I were all raised theatrically by a Broadway mom and a Shakespeare dad; all of us enjoying performing Musicals in the fall, Shakespeare in the summer, and improv all year round. In that regard I’ve been improvising for more than 15 years and am deeply familiar with classical literature such as Anton Chekov and Richard Scarry.

Storytelling is and always has been a central pillar in my life, both on the stage and in the writing room. In front of the camera and behind it.

Currently based in Los Angeles where I’ve enjoyed the last 10 years of my life.

I also—for the record—make excellent bread. And—just to be clear—this skill was honed long before that 2020 trend. I don’t know why I feel the need to point that out, I just do.

Let’s get in touch